Naming, Identidade Visual, Projeto Gráfico
O projeto consiste no desenvolvimento de nome, identidade visual e projeto gráfico para três jovens arquitetos que decidiram estavam dispostos a abandonar os atuais empregos para montar um escritório próprio.
Um aspecto que estava claro para todos os sócios era a ideia de realizar projetos audaciosos e que fossem além das expectativas. Nesse sentido, buscamos desenvolver um nome sonoro e com um significado alinhado a esta proposta. Wert, em alemão, significa "valor" - ou seja, aquilo que seria um dos pilares que sustentariam os trabalhos do escritório.
Naming, Visual Identity, Graphic Project
Naming, Visual Identity, Graphic Project
The project consists in the development of a name, a visual identity and a graphic project for three young architects who decided they were willing to abandon their current jobs to open their own office.
One aspect that was clear to all partners was the idea of creating audacious projects which were beyond expectations. Therefore, we tried to develop a name that was sonorous and had a meaning that was even with the proposal. Wert, in german, means “value/worth”, in other words, something that is one of the pillars that support the office’s work.

O símbolo foi construído a partir da forma básica do quadrado, onde aplicamos a inicial W - parte em negativo - explorando o pensamento criativo de ir além, quebrar barreiras e de questionar o padrão.
The symbol was built from the basic shape of the square, where we applied the initial W - in negative space - exploring the creative thinking of going beyond, breaking through and questioning the standards.
The symbol was built from the basic shape of the square, where we applied the initial W - in negative space - exploring the creative thinking of going beyond, breaking through and questioning the standards.